Universal Basic Income


  • Finland: Conducted a two-year pilot program from 2017 to 2018, providing 2,000 unemployed citizens with a monthly payment of €560. Results showed a slight improvement in well-being and employment rates.
  • Spain: Launched a basic income pilot in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, targeting the poorest households. The program aimed to support 850,000 families.
  • Scotland: Considering a pilot in several cities, with feasibility studies completed in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Fife.

North America

  • United States: Several cities and states have implemented pilot programs. Notably, Stockton, California, conducted a 2019-2021 experiment giving $500 monthly to 125 residents. It showed improvements in mental health, financial stability, and employment.
  • Canada: The province of Ontario ran a pilot from 2017 to 2019, providing up to CAD 16,989 annually to individuals. The program was canceled prematurely, but initial results indicated positive impacts on recipients’ health and financial well-being.


  • Kenya: Non-profit organization GiveDirectly has been running the world’s largest and longest-term basic income experiment since 2016. Over 20,000 people in rural villages receive regular payments. Early findings suggest improvements in food security, economic activity, and psychological well-being.
  • Namibia: Ran a small-scale pilot from 2008 to 2009 in Otjivero-Omitara, providing $100 per month to all residents. The results showed reduced poverty and improved health and education outcomes.


  • India: Conducted several small-scale pilots in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Delhi. The findings showed positive effects on health, education, and economic activity, with a notable increase in women’s empowerment.
  • South Korea: The Gyeonggi Province implemented a basic income for youth in 2019, providing quarterly payments to residents aged 24. The program aims to support young people entering the workforce.

Latin America

  • Brazil: The Bolsa Familia program, while not a true UBI, has been providing conditional cash transfers to low-income families since 2003. It has significantly reduced poverty and improved health and education outcomes. In 2020, the program was expanded temporarily to provide additional support during the pandemic.

Take action to make UBI happen

Dear Friends,

Universal Basic Income (UBI) has the potential to transform our society by ensuring financial security and equality for all. To make this vision a reality, we need your active participation and support. Here’s what you can do to help:

  1. Engage Politically:

    • Ask and Vote for Representatives: Always ask and vote for representatives who support UBI. Your vote is a powerful tool to influence policy decisions. Research candidates’ positions on UBI and prioritize those who champion this policy.
    • Advocate for Legislation: Write to your local and national representatives, urging them to support UBI legislation. Personal letters and emails can make a significant impact.
  2. Raise Awareness:

    • Spread the Word: Tell everyone you know about the benefits of UBI. Use social media platforms, blogs, and community forums to share information and success stories from UBI experiments around the world.
    • Host Events: Organize community meetings, webinars, or discussion groups to educate others about UBI. Providing a platform for open dialogue can help dispel myths and build broader support.
  3. Join the Movement:

    • Socialize with Supporters: Connect with people from all around the world who support UBI by joining groups like this one. Engaging with like-minded individuals can strengthen your resolve and expand your network.
    • Participate in Campaigns: Join or start campaigns and petitions advocating for UBI. Collective actions, such as marches, rallies, and online campaigns, can amplify our voices.
  4. Educate Yourself and Others:

    • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest research, news, and developments related to UBI. Knowledge is power, and staying informed will help you make stronger arguments in support of UBI.
    • Share Educational Resources: Distribute articles, books, videos, and documentaries that explain UBI and its benefits. Educating others is a crucial step in building widespread support.
  5. Support Pilot Programs:

    • Encourage Local Initiatives: Advocate for UBI pilot programs in your community or city. Local experiments can provide valuable data and demonstrate the feasibility of UBI on a larger scale.
    • Fund and Promote Research: Support organizations and researchers conducting studies on UBI. Research helps build a compelling case for policymakers.
  6. Foster Economic Understanding:

    • Discuss Economic Impacts: Engage in conversations about the economic implications of UBI. Highlight how UBI can reduce poverty, stimulate the economy, and address income inequality.
    • Address Concerns: Be prepared to address common concerns and misconceptions about UBI. Providing clear, factual responses can help convert skeptics into supporters.

Always ask and vote for representatives who support UBI, spread the world and tell everyone about the policy, you can also socialize with people from all around the world who support the policy of a Universal Basic Income by joining groups like this.

Universal Basic Income Outperforms Government-Controlled Tax Distribution

Why Universal Basic Income is Better Than Total Government Control of Tax Income Universal Basic Income (UBI) presents a compelling alternative to the traditional model of government-controlled distribution of tax income...